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WordPress: How to Move Your Website

Basics Behind Moving Your WordPress Website

Part 1. Change the WordPress Directory

  1. Move the WordPress files into the new directory.
  2. Update your domain pointers.
  3. If needed, update your permalinks.

Part 2. Move WordPress onto a Different Account

  1. Download a copy of your WordPress files.
  2. Download a copy of your database.
  3. Upload your files onto your new account.
  4. Upload your database onto your new account.
  5. If needed, update your database connection strings.
  6. Update your domain's DNS settings.
  7. Transfer your domain into your new account.
  8. Update your domain pointers on your new account.

Want to learn more about WordPress

WordPress: Tutorial Videos: To help you easily grasp the basics of creating a WordPress website, we have created several free tutorial videos. These videos were designed to be followed in order, but you are welcome to view whichever one best suits your needs.

You can always check out WordPress.org and browse their codex or online help forums.

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