How to Increase Customer Loyalty for Your Brand

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Loyal customers keep your business running. Building a customer base who return to your business time and time again is the key to success. 

But how do you increase customer loyalty? With so much online competition, you need to figure out a strategy that will ensure customers keep coming back…and that they don’t get tempted to go elsewhere.

In this article, discover how to increase customer loyalty for your brand by building an audience who are loyal and key advocates of your business. 

Understanding Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty refers to a customer’s commitment to your brand. Loyal customers will keep returning to your brand and will always choose you over a competitor. 

Customers become loyal thanks to an array of reasons including the quality of your product or service, the overall experience of shopping with your brand, the customer service you offer, or the bespoke features of your brand that make you stand out. 

Loyal customers are incredibly valuable to businesses – they return time and time again, meaning you’ll be making frequent sales and they’re also much more likely to refer you to a friend, opening up your brand to a new audience (who may themselves become loyal customers too!)

Advice from the Experts

Top Tip: One of the most common ways of increasing customer loyalty is through a customer loyalty program. Check out our breakdown of some of the best customer loyalty programs to help inspire you.

Top 5 Strategies for Increasing Customer Loyalty

From creating a customer loyalty program to ensuring your offer is the best on the market, there are various ways you can increase customer loyalty.

Take a look at these five strategies to help you out:

#1. Build a Strong Brand Identity

Building a strong brand identity goes a long way to encouraging loyal customers. For a customer to be loyal to your brand, they first need to know you and recognize your business at every touchpoint. 

Building a brand identity that is instantly recognizable is key. You need to ensure that your customers will be able to identify you online. Your brand must remain consistent across platforms and messaging, from your website to how you communicate with your customers on social media. 

TOMS website featuring a carousel of image blocks for different content on TOMS latest impacts, such as TOMS Impact Report
TOMS is a great example of a brand who have built a loyal customer base thanks to shared values.

It’s also important to create a brand mission statement and set of values that your audience will relate to and appreciate. Most customers will only be loyal to brands whose values and ethos mirror their own. 

For customers to be loyal to your brand you need to give them the chance to get to know you and understand your mission. 

#2. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Providing exceptional customer service is another important strategy for building a loyal customer base. 

Your customers should feel listened to and valued. It’s important to take any feedback onboard and respond appropriately so that customers can see that you take their opinions seriously. 

One of the most important things to do when providing online customer service is to respond quickly. A prompt response will go a long way to ensuring a positive outcome compared to leaving the customer waiting for a substantial amount of time. 

Training your customer service team to go above and beyond when dealing with customer queries and complaints will also help to ensure their lasting impression of your brand is a positive one. 

All of this will ensure you’re offering the best customer service possible which will in turn encourage customers to shop with you again, increasing their loyalty to your brand. 

If something goes wrong, such as a customer wanting to return an item, it doesn’t mean you’ll lose a loyal customer but how you respond to the issue could make or break the relationship. 

To help ensure you’re offering exceptional customer service, check out our breakdown of the best customer service phrases to use. 

#3. Offer Incentives and Rewards

One of the best ways to increase customer loyalty is to offer customers rewards for being loyal. 

Customer loyalty programs have become a common feature for brands who are looking to encourage customer loyalty and reward returning customers. 

A good customer loyalty program allows customers to collect points or rewards each time they shop with you in return for incentives such as discounts, special offers, exclusive access to new launches, or free gifts.

A description about how Starbucks Rewards works, featuring a large image with "Collect stars however you pay" in green text
Starbucks Rewards is a popular loyalty program where customers can build up points to gain a reward.

Usually, a customer will need to collect a certain amount of points or hit a number of purchases to receive specific rewards. 

If a customer has chosen to spend their hard-earned money with your brand it’s important to return the favor and provide them with a reward for repeatedly doing so. 

A customer loyalty program isn’t just a good way of encouraging customer loyalty either, it’s also a great way of getting to know your customers and their shopping habits. By seeing how customers shop with you over time, you can ensure you’re providing them with the experience and rewards they want.

#4. Foster Customer Engagement

Encouraging customer engagement with your brand can help to increase customer loyalty. 

There are various ways that you can foster customer engagement with the view of increasing customer loyalty. For example, you can provide customers with valuable and informative content on your website, blog, or social media channels.

This gives customers the chance to engage with you even when they aren’t actively making a purchase. Nurturing the relationship between purchases is crucial to building a loyal customer base. 

You can also create online communities where customers can connect with each other as well as provide them with the opportunity to share feedback on their experience. This is a great way of providing customers with additional value outside of your product offering. 

The more engaged a customer is with your brand, the more loyal they’ll become.

Find Out More

You may want to create a forum or community page where you and your customers can engage. Our guide on How To Make a Forum Website can help you get started!

#5. Build Trust and Credibility

You can’t increase customer loyalty if your customers don’t trust you. Without trust and credibility, there’s no way that customers will return to your store time and time again. 

The best way to build trust with your customers is to deliver on your promises. Whether that’s regarding the quality of your products, your competitive pricing, or your shipping and returns policies, ensuring your customers are not left feeling let down is crucial. 

You can also include customer reviews and testimonials on your website to help build social proof and highlight to customers how other people trust your brand. 

If you can deliver on your claims and promises, customers will keep returning to make purchases. 

How to Increase Customer Loyalty: Summary

Increasing customer loyalty isn’t an overnight task. It takes time to build up a customer base who are loyal to your brand, but once you do, you’ll have a group who return to your business repeatedly and become the greatest brand advocates you could wish for.

Building a loyal customer base takes work and dedication to make customers feel valued and satisfied with their experience. You also need to ensure you’re always delivering the quality of product and customer service that your customers expect. 

Ensuring you’ve built a brand customers can trust will go a long way to encouraging loyalty from them. 

Understanding your customer lifecycle and creating a customer journey map can also be helpful next steps for taking your customer loyalty to a higher level.

Now that you understand how to increase customer loyalty, all that’s left for you to do is implement these tips into your own brand strategy. Be sure to let us know in the comments what results you see!

Frequently Asked Questions

Customers are loyal to brands for an array of reasons including aligned values and mission, engaging branding, high-quality products or services, a great customer experience, and a brand delivering on their promises and policies. 
A customer loyalty program is a great way to encourage customer loyalty and repeat customers. Usually, a loyalty program will offer customers rewards the more they shop with your brand, this could be anything from discounts and offers to a free gift. 
To keep customers loyal for years into the future, your business must constantly adapt its strategies to meet the needs of your customers. Keep them engaged with your brand through frequent communications and engaging content, and ensure they feel valued by asking for feedback or offering them exclusive access to new launches. 
Written by:
Black and white headshot of Lucy Nixon smiling at the camera
I’ve been a content writer for Website Builder Expert since 2021. Through almost a decade in the digital marketing industry, I’ve built up knowledge on everything from growing ecommerce businesses to building websites. I love breaking down tricky topics into digestible and engaging content for readers. Breaking down the jargon and uncovering the best platforms, tools, and strategies, I’m a meticulous researcher who’s committed to providing our readers with tips and advice that’s tried and tested.

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