Explore the 11 Best Social Media Platforms for Artists

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Whether you’re an aspiring musician, breakout actor, or a painter on the cusp of greatness, there have never been so many digital avenues for recognition and building an audience. The internet has made it easier than ever to showcase your work, but there’s another channel that’s vital for establishing your name: social media.

Billions of people worldwide are using some form of social media, and with the right platform and strategy, you can become a star.

However, finding the right social media platform for your work can feel daunting. Worry not, though. Here, we explore the 11 best social media platforms for artists so you can build a following and showcase your talents to the world.

1. Instagram

Instagram has evolved from a place where you can get a few likes for that holiday snap in Mykonos into a social media behemoth. It continues to be a preferred platform for the odd picture largely due to its visual-centric design, but it has also become a multi-functional site. That’s good news for artists.

An Instagram profile with colorful artwork, a profile photo of the artist, and stats showing millions of followers.
Artist Takashi Murakami has amassed more than 2.5 million followers on Instagram.

The platform offers several features tailored for creative expression, suc h as the ability to share visual content through posts, tell stories, and use reels for short-form videos. Hashtags further amplify reach for artists, allowing you to tap into niche communities and trends. The best hashtags for Instagram help you get your content in front of more people, just make sure you use ones that are relevant to your art.

Top tip: Optimize your Instagram profile as an artist by switching to a business account for more in-depth analytics. And don’t forget to utilize relevant hashtags so your content has a wider reach. Just make sure to keep your bio succinct while linking to your portfolio. That way, viewers get the lowdown and can find your art easily.

2. TikTok

Saying TikTok is the new social media platform on the block is already a sign that you might have been left behind. Now, it’s a must-have app for artists thanks to its short-form video format that’s perfect for displaying everything from funny videos to your creative process.

From sketching to the final masterpiece, you can connect with audiences all within a minute or less. The bite-sized content is easily consumable, which makes it more likely that viewers will engage. That’s not to mention the trending challenges and popular music tracks that can be leveraged to increase visibility.

TikTok profile of Armanee Sinaga with 1.1M followers and a bio link.
Print artist Armanee Sinaga has built a strong following on TikTok.

Participating in these trends gives artists a way to tap into a wider audience and even go viral. The platform’s algorithm also favors content that gains quick interaction, so timely engagement with trends can be a game-changer.

If you’re not already on TikTok, we recommend changing that as soon as possible. This platform offers a dynamic and interactive space for artists to gain recognition and engage with a global audience.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual haven offering huge benefits that not only allow artists to display their work but grow their exposure, too. Its image-centric layout is ideal for showcasing your artwork and making it easier to grab attention. The platform allows the creation of boards where artists can curate inspiration and categorize their work. You can even use mood boards for upcoming projects.

Pinterest profile 'Oh Joy', founder's image in front of teal arches, 15.1M followers.
Pinterest's biggest star Joy Cho has everything from homeware, design, fashion, beauty, cooking, and travel on her page.

These boards can be shared publicly or kept private, meaning there’s flexibility in how your art is displayed. But Pinterest isn’t just about showcasing nice imagery–there’s an analytical side to it as well. This means you can access data to make the best decisions about how you display your art and can regularly update boards and engage with other users, either by repinning or commenting.

In essence, Pinterest serves as both a promotional and inspirational platform for artists, making it a must-have tool in their social media arsenal.

Top tip: Maximize engagement by using relevant keywords and descriptions for each pin. This enhances discoverability as Pinterest also functions like a search engine.

4. Behance

Now we’ve covered some of the bigger social media names, it’s time to dig into some lesser-known platforms. Being a smaller channel isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though, as audiences on these channels tend to be more specific and engaged. Behance stands out as a place specifically designed for creative professionals with its polished space for portfolio creation and project sharing.

Designer Saxon Campbell's profile with work samples and stats.
Designer Saxton Campbell has raised their profile using Behance.

Behance, perhaps more than most social networks, wants you to create a community. The goal is for thousands of creatives to connect, and you can even get feedback from friends and experts on the content you post.

Get your Behance portfolio in tip-top shape by keeping it fresh and professional. That includes using high-resolution images, top-notch text, and engaging videos to shine your content in the best light. As you grow your portfolio, there’s even a chance it will get discovered organically and increase engagement.

5. DeviantArt

DeviantArt is the cornerstone of the art community thanks to the unique way it blends its showcasing platform with a social networking element.  Its features, like galleries, groups, and critiques, provide a blank canvas for artists to display their work and engage with like-minded individuals.

Galleries allow for organized presentations, while groups facilitate community building and critiques offer constructive feedback. To build a strong presence on DeviantArt, focus on regularly updating your gallery with high-quality work.

DeviantArt profile of 'sakimichan' with artwork and follower count.
Digital artist sakimichan has built a strong following on DeviantArt.

It’s also worth actively participating in groups that align with your art style and making sure you’re open to giving and receiving critiques. This multi-faceted approach will help you gain both visibility and credibility.

6. Dribbble

Dribbble is the place to be for designers or artists, thanks to the “shots” feature. It allows you to upload mini previews of your work so people can easily digest your content while getting a little window into your creative genius. It’s like a teaser trailer for your art.

These shots are conversation starters and open the door to feedback and even collaboration with other creatives. When using Dribbble, your game plan should revolve around uploading your best work and letting it shine.

Dribbble profile of Zhenya Rynzhuk, Art Director/Partner at Synchronized, with design sample.
Art Director Zhenya Rynzhuk is popular on Dribbble.

Just make sure you regularly engage with the community. That means commenting on other shots, joining design challenges, and generally getting your creative juices flowing. Doing so will sharpen your skills and allow you to grow your network.

7. ArtStation

If you haven’t checked out ArtStation yet, you could very well be missing out. Think of it as a visual art gallery tailored for 2D and 3D work – a place where you can showcase your portfolio using a sleek, professional layout designed to make anyone stop what they’re doing and take notice.

ArtStation is more than a pretty face, however. It also acts as a marketplace where you can sell art and reply to job listings for those all-important projects. Indeed, it’s a place where many people in the film, games, and entertainment industries go to find new talent.

ArtStation profile of Keita Okada, digital sculptor from Tokyo, with artwork display.

The social media site even allows you to share your creative journey, allowing viewers to connect on a deeper level. Ultimately, ArtStation is one of the primary places to get noticed, and it often doesn’t matter how many followers you have. Companies want to see skill above all else. 

More Information

Want to sell your art but not sure if your style is set to be a bestseller? We can help! Check out our guide to the 7 Types of Bestselling Art.

8. Twitter/X

And so we arrive back at the big hitters. Twitter, or X as it’s officially now known, offers a space for artists to share their work and engage with an audience that’s always switched on. X has long shed its skin of being a platform solely for trending topics – there are sub-communities within the app, which makes it a great place to build a following.

Twitter profile of Khoi Vinh, a designer at Adobe and blogger, with a Batman profile picture.
Graphic designer Khoi Vinh is one of the most respected designers on X/Twitter

Use it to showcase your art and connect with like-minded individuals, taking advantage of hashtags to categorize your work and reach a broader audience. Retweets and reposts serve as another tool for amplification, and sharing other artists’ work can be a mutually beneficial practice.

On this platform, visual content is the way forward. Top-notch images and snappy video clips accompanied by clever copy pop here.

Top tip: When it comes to a social media strategy for Twitter/X, consistency is your best bet. From regular posts to engaging with followers and commenting on other people’s content, conversations make the world go round on Twitter/X.

9. YouTube

YouTube can be a goldmine for artists looking to share their craft, but it takes hard work to make it pay off. Everyone and their dog is on YouTube, so competition will likely be steep, no matter your artistic profession.

There’s certainly scope to thrive here, with 122 million people using the platform each day to watch videos. From art tutorials to material review videos, YouTube allows you to showcase just about anything you want. Make something that stands out from the rest, and you can see the views rack up.

CharliMarieTV YouTube channel header showcasing the life and work of a web designer
Charli Marie has more than 200k subscribers on YouTube.

But it’s not only about the views – you can monetize your channel and build a community of loyal followers. If you’re starting out, focus on quality over quantity. Invest in good lighting and a decent camera, too. Consistency is key, so set a posting schedule you can stick to. And always engage with your audience by responding to comments and asking for feedback.

Top tip:When using Youtube, make sure you optimize your videos for SEO. This will increase their chances of popping up in a Google search, which will maximize your views and exposure.

10. LinkedIn

Once a place for the suited and booted, LinkedIn has evolved and offers a great platform for networking. A well-crafted bio and detailed work history can make you stand out, and you can tell professional stories that go beyond your CV.

LinkedIn profile of Davar Azarbegui, Design Director and Adjunct Professor, with branding examples.
Designer Davar Azarbegui has built a following of 78k plus, a high number for LinkedIn individuals.

LinkedIn might not be the first pick for musicians and actors but for other artists? It’s a hidden gem if you’re a designer, copywriter, or of that ilk. It’s quieter than your usual social media giants, as there aren’t quite so many creatives using it just yet.

But don’t underestimate the power of the connections you can forge. Give your profile a lot of love and attention, highlighting your work and making sure it’s up to date, and start making those career-boosting connections.

11. Reddit

Reddit is more than memes and headlines – it’s a potential treasure trove for artists. With subreddits for every art form you can think of, you’ll find your tribe in no time. But remember, it’s another place where engagement with your audience trumps all else. Join discussions, share advice, and welcome critiques.

Reddit post asking for highly respected contemporary artists and the reasons for their acclaim.
Not only can you build a following on Reddit, but you can also contribute to topics related to your industry.

When given enough love and attention, Reddit could become a cornerstone of your artistic development. Users on there won’t forget you. Even though it has 55 million daily users, everything is segmented, and you can build a loyal audience of committed fans ready to cherish your art.

Summary: The 11 Best Social Media Platforms for Artists

That wraps up our list of the 11 best social media platforms for artists. You’ve had a taste of what they each offer, but which ones are best for you is down to your art style, your goals, and what you want to offer your users.

Each social media platform has its own flavor. Instagram’s all about the visuals, TikTok loves those quick videos, Pinterest’s got those curated boards, and LinkedIn? That’s your professional hub. Our advise is not to box yourself into just one. Mix it up to maximize your reach and make some real impact. Play around and find the platforms that really sync with your art and goals.

Written by:
simon banks headshot
I joined the Website Builder Expert writing team in 2023. With a decade of writing experience, I really love helping brands and small businesses, with a talent for making seemingly dull topics fun and engaging. My aim is to get you feeling confident about marketing your business so it can achieve success. Having a background in advertising has given me a unique lens through which to view topics. I love turning tricky subjects – like website security certificates and crafting a customer journey map – into easy-to-understand pieces of content that capture attention whether you're reading at home or browsing while out and about.


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