10 Real Estate Email Templates That Work

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As a real estate agent, you have a lot in spades: charisma, the gift of the gab, and the ability to make a property sound good.

One thing you don’t have, though? Time to craft personalized emails, one by one, to vendors and clients.

Fortunately, you don’t need to. Below, we’ve collected our top 10 real estate email templates from across the web. Between a welcome message, an open house follow-up, a home valuation offer, and a testimonial request – plus plenty more – we’ve got you covered.

All you need to do is Ctrl + C these templates, Ctrl + V them into your emails, add your contact details, and hit send. Saving you hours of work, and ensuring you communicate with poise, professionalism, and pace – every time. Enjoy!

What is a Real Estate Email Template?

A real estate email template is a ready-made email, which you can copy and paste straight into your communications to clients.

Real estate email templates negate the need for putting together time-consuming emails to each of your clients. Plus, because you’re not actually typing out each email by hand, real estate email templates reduce the risk of typos and other superficial errors creeping into your communications.

Of course, we’re not recommending that you blindly copy, paste, and send. The best real estate templates act as a base; a boilerplate. You’ll still need to tailor them with your name and company – at least – and ensure they reflect details specific to the individual client and listings. The more unique flourishes you can add, the better!

10 Real Estate Email Templates That Work

We’ve scoured the web and put together a list of our 10 real estate email templates.

Below, you’ll find:

  • Welcome email
  • Open house follow-up
  • Newsletter invitation (cold)
  • New listing email
  • Home valuation offer
  • One-year follow-up
  • First viewing follow-up
  • Coming soon listings
  • Testimonial request
  • Neighborhood expertise

(Any big ones we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments!)

#1. Welcome Email

Ah, the welcome email! Every email marketing-savvy real estate agent’s best friend. A welcome email, as the name suggests, should thank the recipient for joining your email list, and welcome them to your online community.

But that’s just the beginning. Because a good welcome email should also ask the recipient some questions about their home buying (or selling) situation. Price range? Desired neighborhood? Preferred property type? After all, they’ve joined your mailing list for a reason – it’s your job to find out what that reason is.

The template below does just that. It’s friendly, helpful, and it thanks the recipient. But it also provides space to ask those crucial questions – and helps you turn an email sign-up into a hot lead.

Hey [name],

Thanks for joining my email list. It’s great to have you here.

I know your time is valuable, so I’d like to ask you a few questions. Your answers will help me send you the right emails.

[Link to a short survey where you ask questions to help you segment your email subscribers into groups. Here are a few questions to ask:

  • What is your price range?
  • What is your desired neighborhood?
  • What type of property are you interested in?
  • Are you a first-time homebuyer?)]

Thanks again for joining my list! I look forward to helping you buy a home in the near future.


[Your name]

From Freedom Trail

#2. Open House Follow Up

Open houses are chaotic – so many people to meet, so many faces to remember – and it’s easy to lose track of who was who. (And who was actually interested.)

That’s why it’s so important to strike while the iron is hot, and send a follow-up email to attendees.

We like the template below because it’s short and succinct – without compromising on either politeness or professionalism. It begins by recapping the property address (ensuring it remains fresh in the prospect’s memory), and that property’s key features. It also tantalizes the recipient with an offer of another, exclusive house viewing – endearing them to you and your company.

Hello [name],

It was great meeting you at [address] last weekend. I hope you got a good feel for the house and the [benefit of the property — i.e., great pool, huge primary bedroom, beautiful view]. Let me know if I can answer any questions.

If you’re interested in the neighborhood, I have another property available nearby. It has many of the wonderful qualities that [address] has, with a few surprises! I’d be happy to set up a private showing for you this week.

Thanks again for stopping by!


[Your name]

From HubSpot

#3. Newsletter Invitation (Cold)

Building a database of engaged people (and, ideally, potential clients) for your online newsletter can be tricky. Fortunately, there’s a solution – and it’s shaped like the real estate email template below.

Why do we love this template? Well for starters, it’s fun, conversational, and oozes personality – something a cold email needs to do to stand any chance of opens, reads, and clicks.

But we also love this template because it plays into that brilliant old adage – flattery gets you everywhere! By paying the recipient a compliment (you’ll need to make sure that this part, in particular, is sufficiently personalized), you make it more likely they’ll look at and engage with the email. Of course, a slick subject line helps here – check out our tips for writing one!

Hey [name]!

How are you?

You’re someone I always think of whenever I see killer landscaping — and the house I showed yesterday had a jaw-dropping garden! (It’s just around the corner from you, actually in [location].)

I’m kicking off an email newsletter with home and garden how to’s (and maybe a few insider tips on the market) and I’d love to get an expert like you on my list.

Can I go ahead and include you?


[Your name]

From Follow Up Boss

#4. New Listing Email

When new listings come in, you need to let your database know – as quickly as possible.

The real estate email template below helps you do exactly that. We like it not only because it’s highly customizable – you can easily paste in their neighborhoods of interest, and the new listings – but because it feels personal. Even though you’ve copied it straight from this template, it reads so conversationally, and with such warmth, that it doesn’t feel like a template at all.

Hello [name],

Here are a few listings I think you’ll like. They meet your criteria of being in [neighborhood #1] and [neighborhood #2]. And they have [requirement #1], [requirement #2], and [requirement #3].

  • [House #1]
  • [House #2]
  • [House #3]
  • [House #4]
  • [House #5]

Let me know if you’d like a private showing for any of these homes. If none of these hit the mark, I want to know that too. Looking forward to hearing what you think about these houses (especially #4!).


[Your name]

From HubSpot

#5. Home Valuation Offer

Home valuation offers are tricky – especially when you’re making them via email, rather than in person.

We like the home valuation offer email template below because it ticks all of the right boxes. It’s not too short, for one (so there’s no chance of the recipient getting bored), and it’s specific (“How’s Tuesday afternoon?”).

What’s more, this real estate email template is alluring. It entices the reader with “what you uncovered in your market analysis” – and leaves them desperate to find out more!

Hello [name],

Are you still interested in knowing how much your home is worth?

I think you’ll be surprised by what I uncovered in my market analysis. Would you want to grab a coffee and walk through it?

How’s Tuesday afternoon?

Kind regards

[Your name]

From Follow Up Boss

#6. One-Year Follow Up

As the real estate email template below puts so eloquently, real estate depends on relationships. So once you’ve sold someone a house, that shouldn’t be the end of all your communication – and a one-year follow up is excellent practice.

The template below is a useful email to send on the anniversary of your client’s home purchase, because it shows that you remember the sale, and that you care about how they and their family are getting on.

But it’s not just pure benevolence involved – because this email is an ideal place to seek out more relationships and prospects in the future. The template below asks if the recipient has any friends or colleagues looking to sell – so it could be your shortcut to a lucrative lead.

Word of mouth marketing is powerful. Use it!

Happy house anniversary, [name]!

I hope you’ve enjoyed the first year in your new home and you have settled in nicely with your family. However, if there is anything you need help with, please let me know.

As you know, the real estate business depends on relationships. So, if you know a friend or colleague looking to buy or sell in [area], I’d be honored if you would pass on my contact information to them.


[Your name]

From HubSpot

#7. First-Viewing Follow Up

Just like after an open home, the hours and days after you first show a client around a home (or a few homes) are vital. It’s important to act with speed – both to keep you and the properties in their memory, and ensure they don’t defect to another real estate agency!

The real estate email template below will let you move with pace and decisiveness to follow up a client. You can add in each listing, and expound on the positives – either how you saw them, or how your client did. You can also address any issues with any of the properties, which builds trust and showcases your candor.

Better yet, it wraps up with a strong call-to-action – to view even more properties!

Hey [name],

I wanted to follow up with you to go over the homes we saw today. Now that you’ve had a chance to see a few listings, I’d love to know your thoughts on them. I also want to offer my take — but keep in mind it’s just my opinion and you’re ultimately in charge here.

[listing 1]

I think [street address] has a lot of positives, like [1, 2, and 3]. However, I could see [x] being an issue, so it’s something to keep in mind if this is one you want to pursue.

[listing 2]

[Street address] has some nice amenities, including [a, b, and c], but the asking price seems high to me. I’d be interested to know what your thoughts are here?

[listing 3]

Of the ones we saw today, I think [street address] was the best overall. Since you also like it, I am going to check in with the listing agent tomorrow to see what more I can find out about the general interest in the property.

I’m also attaching a list of more homes I think could work for you. How about next Sunday again for showings? Let me know which ones you want to see soon? I want to make sure we can get a spot on their schedules.

Thanks again!

[Your name]

From Folio by Amitree

#8. Coming Soon Listings

What’s more enticing than a new listing email? A coming soon email. This allows you to build hype around listings that haven’t quite hit shelves, but will be soon.

We like the real estate template below because it works, without being waffly. You can personalize it by copying in the prospect’s preferred neighborhood, and – with the words “I wanted you to be the first to know” – get them interested, all while conveying an air of exclusivity.

Hi [name],

Are you still thinking [neighborhood]? I found a great new listing coming on the market next week and wanted you to be the first to know.

Let me know and I can send over the details.

[Your name]

From HubSpot

#9. Testimonial Request

Sometimes, everyone needs a humble brag. But testimonials are far more than that – they’re vital social proof that indicates to future clients that you’re a dependable, trustworthy real estate agent.

But how do you actually collect those testimonials? An email is a good place to start.

The below real estate email template works because it’s friendly, conversational, and down to earth. It gets into the recipients’ good books by thanking them for their business, and asks for a testimonial in a non-intrusive way.

Cleverly, this template also gives the recipient a healthy reminder of what you and they achieved together (you can add all of this in yourself). By putting these results back on their radar, you’re going a long way to making sure they include them in their testimonial. Win!


Congratulations on closing!

I’ve sincerely enjoyed getting to work with you, and getting to know you and your family. Thank you so much for choosing me as your real estate agent!

When you have a moment, I’d love it if you’d provide some feedback about your experience working with [me/ us/ the team]. Reviews help us understand how to better serve our clients, and also provide an opportunity for others to learn about us and how we do business.

Here’s some of what we achieved together!

  • We viewed 6 homes in 2 weeks
  • We discovered a lien on the property, and resolved the issue quickly
  • We negotiated $15,000 off the purchase price

[We/ I] have listings everywhere you’d find reviews for real estate agents. You can click the following link and you’ll have a few to choose from: [review funnel].

Thank you, [Name]. I enjoyed working with you, and look forward to reading your feedback!


[Your name]

From Preclose

#10. Neighborhood Expertise

In real estate, neighborhoods are like territories – you need to stake your claim to your patch!

That means conveying to prospective clients the areas you specialize in – and why they should choose you to help them sell or buy property..

The real estate email template below should help with that. It’s a simple-yet-effective email which reaffirms your expertise in the neighborhood of your choice. Better yet, you can customize it to whatever stage of the client journey the recipient is on – making an enquiry, actively viewing homes, or looking to downsize or upgrade soon.

Hello [name],

Thanks so much for stopping by [address] last Sunday. It was great to meet you!

If you’re interested in seeing more homes in this neighborhood, there are a few I’d like to show you. It’s a competitive area, but my expertise in buying and selling in [neighborhood] is unparalleled.

Before we jump into anything serious, I’d love to learn more about what you’re looking for in a new home. I also want to share my approach to the homebuying process to make sure I’m the right fit for you. If you’d like to set up a time to meet, click this link to book a schedule on my calendar: [Link to Meeting tool]


[Your name]

From HubSpot


To recap, real estate email templates are a fantastic, low-effort way of communicating key messages to your clients.

We love the 10 real estate email marketing templates featured here. As a reminder, they should be used only with the utmost attention to detail. After all, you’re trying to increase your levels of professionalism. Copying the wrong name or the wrong listings into your email will, of course, have quite the opposite effect!

So good luck, enjoy, and let us know how you get on with these real estate email templates in the comments. Oh, and why not stick around for more quality email marketing content or take a look at some inspirational real estate website designs? You can also find out when the best time to send an email is, and how to improve your email deliverability in our detailed guides. Thank us later!


Email marketing isn’t easy – especially if your real estate business is more solopreneur than enterprise.

To streamline your email marketing efforts – and create and send bulk emails en masse – we recommend using an email marketing tool. Plenty of providers offer free plans to get you started, and our roundup of the best email marketing tools should help you decide!

According to our research, the best email marketing tools are GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, MailerLite, Constant Contact, and Sendinblue.
Written by:
I’ve written for brands and businesses all over the world – empowering everyone from solopreneurs and micro-businesses to enterprises to some of the ecommerce industry’s best-known brands: including Yahoo!, Ecwid, and Entrepreneur. My commitment for the future is to empower my audience to make better, more effective decisions: whether that’s helping you pick the right platform to build your website with, the best hosting provider for your needs, or offering recommendations as to what – and how – to sell.

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