Shopify Rolls Out All-In-One Checkout Page

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a checkout page in both desktop and mobile layout on a green/blue gradient background
  • Shopify has redesigned its checkout page from three pages to one
  • This new streamlined checkout is built from the ground up and promises to complete buyer purchases faster and increase conversions

Ecommerce website builder Shopify has recently overhauled its checkout process to now all take place on one web page. Previously, buyers would have to traverse through three pages to finalize their purchase. Shopify promises this new checkout page will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes customers to complete their purchase – thus opening them up for more purchases down the line.

The checkout page is typically the final step of a conversion. At this point, the customer is pretty certain they want to make the purchase, but you still shouldn’t do anything to scare them off.

Shopify’s new update was inspired by research, where it has “observed a shift towards identity-driven experiences in the checkout landscape.” By reducing friction and optimizing the checkout page, this new update wants to get closer to the “seamless identity-driven checkouts offered by the likes of Shop Pay.”

In reducing the number of pages, Shopify has automated the credit card and billing address section and will collapse any additional content that isn’t immediately relevant to the purchase at hand. Additionally, Shopify has brought along its Guest Checkout from Shop Pay to further accelerate the checkout process.

Shopify claims its checkout process is already the best-converting checkout in the world, and yet reducing the checkout page from three pages down to one will further streamline the process and, according to Shopify, increase conversion rates.

A potential issue of concentrating three pages into one is slower loading. However, Shopify claims that the new checkout is on average four seconds faster for checkout completion time.

Whether this update will be as influential as Shopify claims has yet to be seen, but it is clear that Shopify is confident in its future success.

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headshot of Sam Jagger
Being a Writer for Website Builder Expert isn’t just typing words on a laptop. Each day, I’m finding new and innovative ways to help you get online in a mode you feel comfortable with. And it’s a task I do with enthusiasm and gusto. Not only do I have experience building with all the providers we talk about - creating websites such as this Strikingly demo - but we also have our wonderful, constantly updated research fielded by our researchers, so you can be reassured that what we say is an honest reflection of our professional opinions. I’ve written articles and featured guest posts for apps like UXPin on web design in the modern age, as well as answered over 100 user comments on the site and delved into the world of choosing a domain name and adding Bitcoin payments to your site in my own pitched articles. All of this is to say that when I want to get you online - I mean it! Outside the office, I have attended the eCommerce Expo and built up a ton of industry knowledge through talks, workshops, and guided learning sessions with noted experts. The internet is made for everyone, so come online and let us help you get there.

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