The 15 Best Marketing Portfolio Examples

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A great marketing portfolio website can have a major impact on boosting your business – especially if use one of the many excellent website builders available to create it. These builders often come with a range of portfolio templates, designed specifically to showcase your work effectively.

In other words? A well-crafted marketing portfolio, built using the right platform, doesn’t just tell the world what you can do. It shows them.

It’s a display of your best work that showcases your experience and skill set. A marketing portfolio is the best way of demonstrating to potential clients what you can do. 

There are various elements you can include in a marketing portfolio – such as images, videos, testimonials, and case studies – and it can all seem a little overwhelming at first. Not sure where to start? We highly recommend Squarespace if you’re looking for award-winning templates, or try out Wix for a user-friendly choice with no creative limits. 

But, choosing the right platform to build your portfolio website (and selecting a good theme) can be hard. Luckily, that’s where we come in. We’ve searched the web and found 15 of the best marketing portfolio examples to provide you with some inspiration and help you get started.

What Is a Marketing Portfolio?

A marketing portfolio is a comprehensive collection of materials and documents designed to showcase your marketing skills, strategies, and strengths. It serves as a tangible representation of your marketing capabilities and achievements, which you can whip out during job interviews, client pitches, or business proposals.

A well-rounded marketing portfolio can include samples of marketing campaigns, advertisements, and social media posts you’ve been responsible for – as well as market research reports, branding materials, and any other relevant marketing collateral you’ve designed.

Before you get stuck into building your marketing portfolio, we recommend first exploring our guide to the 6 best portfolio website builders. Utilizing our in-depth in-house research, we crunch each portfolio builder’s top features, ease of use, and design flexibility. It’s not to be missed!

15 Best Marketing Portfolio Examples

Read on to explore our 15 favorite marketing portfolio examples on the web.

#1. Hive Creative Group

Hive Creative Group is a full-service design and marketing agency, and its website instantly highlights the creative talent of this bunch of busy bees. The agency’s interactive icon animations run throughout the website, as does its pink and orange color scheme.

Users can explore Hive’s portfolio page, which is broken down into different categories such as branding and social media marketing. 

The website also highlights some key statistics from previous projects, helping potential clients to instantly see what the team are capable of.

Key features of the website include:

  • Animated icons run through every page
  • Clear branding through the use of colors and fonts
  • Portfolio page broken down into work categories
  • On-site blog highlighting industry expertise
  • Contact details and social media icons are linked in the main header menu

Squarespace was a surprisingly easy, user-friendly website platform that has gotten me powerful results. I love the drag-and-drop elements and pre-built templates – I made the “bones” of my website in just one day! Squarespace helps me optimize my pages and blogs for search, and I’m already ranking for several keywords. I love that I don’t need to know any coding and can make my website look professional and not “homemade”. The video tutorials have been amazing, too. I do wish there was more customization for adding images to pages, such as placement, sizes, and alignment with text. But I will probably be a Squarespace user for life.

Alli Hill headshot
Alli Hill Founder and Director of Fleurish Freelance

Alli Hill is a freelance writer, content marketer, speaker, coach, and Founder and Director of Fleurish Freelance.

#2. Michael Antalok

Michael Antalok lets his work do the talking on his portfolio website. Text is kept to a minimum and, instead, users can see examples of his work firsthand thanks to screenshots and embedded images. 

Users can scroll down the portfolio page, moving seamlessly from one case study to the next to get a sense of Michael’s wealth of experience and skills. His on-site blog is a neat value-add for his website’s visitors, and helps position Michael as an expert in his chosen field. 

Key features of the website include:

  • Social media icons on the homepage help users find out more about Michael
  • The portfolio page focuses on images and examples, allowing users to see his work, rather than simply read about it
  • Each page features a relevant phrase or header quote to welcome the visitor and create a relaxed and informal environment
  • The contact button is positioned in the menu header so that potential clients can immediately get in touch

#3. Greg Kaplan

Greg Kaplan’s portfolio is designed to showcase his 30+ years in the marketing business. 

Greg has broken his photography portfolio down into image categories such as “candids” and “cities”, allowing users to explore the sections that are relevant to their own research.

However, it’s his work portfolio that’s most impressive, thanks to the global brands Greg has worked with, which include IBM, Samsung, and Nikon. Each brand is given its own dedicated page – and rightly so! Greg goes into detail about what he has done for each brand, and features images of his impressive work. 

Key features of this Squarespace-designed website include:

  • Individual portfolio pages for each case study or brand
  • Black and white images and a consistent color scheme that runs throughout
  • Industry awards bar that highlights Greg’s experience and accreditation
  • Client logos to showcase Greg’s impressive back catalog

#4. Denise Rick

Denise Rick is a branding expert – so it’s no surprise that there’s a strong brand that runs through each page of her website. 

A light, neutral color scheme helps to create a calming environment, while the choice of simple fonts and icons ensures nothing detracts from the work itself. 

The case studies within the portfolio page are extensive, and highlight key statistics and ROI for each client. Elsewhere, embedded social media marketing examples and animated GIFs give users the chance to see real-life examples of Denise’s work in action. 

Key features of the website include:

  • Portfolio page scrolls from one case study to the next giving users a sense of the range of Denise’s experience
  • Key stats are highlighted and featured in call-out text to help showcase the results that Denise can deliver
  • A neutral color scheme runs throughout the website, allowing the client examples to be the main focus
  • The “about” page gives users the chance to get to know Denise more both professionally thanks to accreditations and experience listings and personally thanks to links to her Spotify playlists

#5. Kathryn Hall

Kathryn has packed her website with content to help portray to potential clients her genuine love for her work. 

Clear branding runs throughout the website thanks to a pastel color palette and distinctive font choice. The portfolio page features smart mockups of work examples, as well as text from Kathryn detailing exactly what she did for each campaign she presents.

Kathryn also features client testimonials on her homepage, designed to instantly give users an insight into her reputation. 

Key features of the website include:

  • Contact form and email address details allow users to get in touch using their preferred method
  • Smart mockups give potential clients an insight into how Kathryn’s campaigns looked in real-time
  • Detailed breakdowns of individual campaign elements including magazine advertising, videos, and on-page advertorials
Wix logo

Want To Build Your Portfolio With Wix?

Wix is a strong choice for building your portfolio! It has great user-friendly tools that allow your creativity to run free.

#6. Jordyn Brenner

Jordyn Brenner works for Amazon Studios as a Senior Art Director,and you can tell. One glance at her portfolio website – which is bursting with high-quality work examples – and you’ll be hooked.

Jordyn has kept her marketing portfolio website simple, letting the images do the talking. The homepage features a grid layout of key examples, that users can then click on to find out more. Each case study also features a scrolling bar of work, which highlights the vast amount of creative input Jordyn offers to every project.

Jordyn’s about page strikes the perfect balance between professional and personal, showcasing her expertise whilst also offering up personal anecdotes and hobbies.

Key features of the website include:

  • Image-led case studies that highlight the volume of work contributed to each project
  • The grid-style layout allows users to see multiple case study examples
  • Contact and LinkedIn links in the main header menu for easy access
  • White space and borders to ensure the website feels clean and professional
squarespace logo

Do You Want a Beautiful Portfolio?

Squarespace is unmatched when it comes to its beautiful designs and templates. Your portfolio is guaranteed to be eye-catching and stylish!

#7. Alex Coven

The design of this portfolio is purposefully minimalist and parallax scrolling offers users easy navigation from one section to the next.

That navigation is further enhanced thanks to the menu that pops out from the side rather than the top of the page, freeing up even more digital real estate to showcase Alex’s work.

While the portfolio features an overview of case studies and experience, it also links out to other agencies and companies the designer has worked with – helping to boost his own credentials in the process.

Key features of this GoDaddy-crafted website include:

  • Full-page design that catches the eye and adapts to fit a user’s screen
  • The navigation menu appears from the left-hand side rather than the top of the page, helping to add to the minimal theme
  • Case studies are image-led and feature next to no text allowing the quality of Alex’s work to do the talking

#8. Adapting Social

This marketing portfolio website highlights the sheer breadth of work that this agency – Adapting Social – provides to clients. 

The What We Do page acts as the company’s portfolio and is broken down into different categories such as lead generation, email marketing, and graphic design, allowing users to click through to the areas that interest them. 

The website also features a page dedicated to the company’s podcast, where visitors can listen to the latest episode and see the impressive back catalog of guests. Wisely, this helps to position the agency as thought leaders and experts in the industry. 

Key features of the website include:

  • The client forms section allows new and existing clients to contact the agency for specific queries instantly
  • Portfolio categories break down the impressive work examples into relevant groups to ensure users aren’t overwhelmed
  • The strong black and red color scheme runs throughout the website and helps to create a memorable brand
Wix logo

Want Your Portfolio To Look Like Adapting Social?

Eyeing up Adapting Social’s portfolio website? Build your own with Wix today!

#9. Leon Hu

Leon Hu is a professional photographer, which is clear from the moment you land on his website.

Offering brands high-quality imagery for marketing and advertising campaigns, Leon’s portfolio features multiple visuals and campaign examples.

His marketing portfolio lists various campaigns he has been involved in, and cleverly presents his images and work in mini slideshow galleries. 

Leon has also opted to include a work experience section that acts as an online CV, giving users an insight into some of the major companies he’s previously worked for.

Key features of the website include:

  • Separate pages for Leon’s two key services: marketing and photography
  • Slideshow galleries to present as many photographs as possible without overloading each web page
  • Limited text to focus on the main element of Leon’s work: his photographs

#10. Incast

Incast is an influencer marketing agency that helps to facilitate partnerships between brands and social media stars.

Rather than having to click through to a separate portfolio page, users just have to scroll down the homepage to view case studies, testimonials and to find out more about Incast’s previous success stories. 

As you scroll down the homepage you’ll also find key social media stats and embedded social media post examples. There are even some pet videos – and who doesn’t love those?!

Key website features include:

  • Key stats for some of Incast’s major platforms and social media partnerships
  • A strong brand identity thanks to the vibrant color scheme and image choice
  • Simple one-page style layout that’s easy to navigate and packed full of information
  • Embedded videos and social media posts act as examples of the quality of Incast’s work

#11. Maya Francis

Maya’s simple and neutral portfolio website highlights her confidence in her abilities to guide brands to marketing success. 

Her portfolio page features the logos of major clients she has previously worked with, and – rather than taking users to a case study – clicking on each logo will link to the client’s website, instead.

There’s also the option to download Maya’s impressive resume to learn more about her credentials. She’s also broken down each of her service offerings, so that users can easily understand how she can help them.

Key features of the website include:

  • Social icons in the header menu allow potential clients to find out more about Maya
  • Detailed contact form so that users can easily present all of their questions and queries in the opening communication
  • The opportunity to download Maya’s resume to better understand her previous work experience

#12. Steve Wolf Designs

Steve Wolf Designs builds immediate interest in its work; captivating the user’s attention by displaying examples in tiles throughout its website’s homepage. 

Users can click on a tile that catches their eye to find out more about individual projects, past clients, or bespoke service offerings. 

The website also features a shop page where users can purchase some of the team’s work for themselves. 

Key features of the website include:

  • Parallax scrolling to keep the user engaged as they move throughout the website
  • Overlapping tiles of different sizes on the homepage catch the eye and draw immediate attention to their work
  • Staff bios that strike the right balance between professional and personal
  • Website footer that features all the important information such as contact details and social media links

#13. Branex

Branex has opted for a colorful web design. In fact, its site – which, in our opinion, is one of the best digital marketing portfolio examples on the internet – features almost every color imaginable!

But what makes it stand out as a great marketing portfolio example is its range of detailed case studies. Each case study features extensive information on the brand, campaign, and what Branex achieved. Rolling stats help to showcase the success of each project, while the clever use of screenshots, images, and background details keep the content-heavy pages from becoming boring or overwhelming. 

Key features of the website include:

  • A contact box is presented to the user the moment they land on the web page making it easy for them to get in touch
  • The homepage features snippets of the rest of the website including case studies, reviews, and previous client examples
  • Branex uses animated icons to display their different service offerings engagingly

#14. Lydia Harrell Design

Lydia Harrell Design uses her portfolio website to showcase some of the major creative campaigns Lydia has worked on.

Rather than filling case studies with text and testimonials, Lydia instead features different visual elements of her work, such as brochures, web pages, and email marketing. 

The portfolio is easy to navigate, and users simply have to scroll down to move from one case study to the next.

Key features of the website include:

  • Work examples that are available from the minute a user lands on the homepage
  • Detailed case studies that are image-led and allow users to see the level of Lydia’s creative talent
  • Simple web pages that feature almost no written content
  • Social media icons give users the chance to explore Lydia’s work and experience further

#15. Feeney Marketing

Feeney Marketing has created an online marketing portfolio that presents its team as industry leaders. The professional black and white imagery runs throughout the website, including to part with the team’s headshots. 

Whilst the Our Team page allows users to get to know each team member, the on-site blog highlights the expertise that makes up the full Feeney Marketing team.

Key features of the website include:

  • A mix of black and white images with colored case studies
  • Detailed bios on every team member
  • A footer on every page that features key information such as opening hours and contact details

Best Marketing Portfolio Examples: Summary

As you can see, there are a whole bunch of great marketing portfolio examples already out there to help inspire the construction of your website.

There’s a lot of thought, time, and effort that goes into creating a great online marketing portfolio – so you’ll want it to be as effervescent and engaging as possible. After all, this is a key way for you to showcase your talent and experience to potential clients.

Once you feel like you’re ready to start, it’s time to consider your builder. Our top choice for portfolios is Squarespace – its beautiful designs will make sure your work stands out. Alternatively, try out Wix for its usability and great customization options. Make sure you also check out our articles on how to make an online portfolio and the best portfolio templates if you need a helping hand.

Why not drop us a line in the comments section below to let you know what you thought of this article, too?

Written by:
emma ryan author bio
Emma’s been a Senior Writer at Website Builder Expert since 2022, having first-hand experience with website builders, such as Wix and Shopify, through hands-on testing and research analysis. Her work and expertise have been featured in Digiday, TechRound, Industry Today, and Digital Information World. Specializing in writing about website builders, ecommerce platforms, and hosting providers, Emma stays in the loop of industry updates by attending conferences such as eCommerce Expo and managing Website Builder Expert’s news articles.

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