11 Top Real Estate Investor Website Examples

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Looking to build a real estate investor website? You’re in the right place. Not only can we show you which are the best website builders for real estate, but we’re also introducing you to the best real estate websites on the internet today.

Between Deal Machine, SparkRental, Trulia, and plenty more, we’re breaking down 11 of our favorite real estate investor website examples – and what makes them special. Whether that’s clever design, out-of-the-box thinking, captivating copy, or eye-catching features, the following real estate website investors will get you inspired. And hopefully, excited to create your own!

But what is a real estate investor website, exactly – and what does it need to contain?

Let’s take a quick look before we dive into our list.

Key Elements of an Effective Real Estate Investor Website

A real estate investor website is one designed to serve the needs of anyone who invests (or is looking to invest) in property. Investor websites differ from traditional real estate listing websites or real estate agent’s websites in that they’re not generally looking to advertise or sell property directly – but instead provide resources tailored to investors’ goals and interests.

So, what should a good real estate investor website include? Some essential components are:

  • User-friendly navigation: a real estate investor website should be simple to use, with a straightforward structure, a search function, and clearly signposted sections.
  • Engaging content: a real estate investor website should be publishing regular, relevant blog articles, emails, and ebooks to inform its audience.
  • Mobile-responsiveness: a real estate website should never be built for a desktop computer alone; but render well on mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, too.
  • Clear calls-to-action (CTAs): a real estate investor website should make it clear as to what action it wants its users to take. Get in touch? Fill out a form with their contact details? Download a guide? Read more articles? Sign up for a mailing list? Whatever action it is, it needs to be obvious and enticing to generate traction.
  • High-quality visuals: an effective real estate investor website needs to showcase crystal-clear images and videos (alongside good copy) to make an impact.

Ready to start browsing the best real estate investor website examples on the internet?

Let’s get started!

1. SparkRental

Our first on this list of real estate investor website examples is SparkRental. SparkRental offers a co-investing club, a wealth of free tools for investors – including rental cash flow calculators and interactive maps – plus downloadable property software for screening tenants and collecting rent.

Its website strikes that all-too-rare balance between being informative while staying simple – avoiding information overload by sticking to a straightforward, intuitive site structure. From the get-go, SparkRental’s website hooks its reader with an engaging, 86-second video. Scroll on, and it utilizes a range of persuasive techniques – including logos of its famous clients, testimonials from happy customers, and a strong call to action – to entice investors in.

2. Deal Machine

Deal Machine is a website and app that helps real estate investors unlock insights into their local property market and zero in on the best – you guessed it – deals.

Like SparkRental, Deal Machine’s website kicks things off with a video that automatically plays you when you navigate to the site. Now, auto-play isn’t for anyone – and you need to be careful with how you use it to avoid compromising the page experience and annoying your users – but there’s no doubt about its power to grab your audience’s attention.

Deal Machine’s site does, and it doesn’t let go. An immediate CTA encourages users to sign up to the mailing list, with a star rating (from over 5,000 reviews) featuring prominently – and serving as crucial social proof. Dive deeper, and Deal Machine’s site is full of multimedia: whether that’s videos of satisfied clients sharing their experiences, dynamic images of the app in action, or screenshots of conversations with its live chat support.

3. ActiveRain

ActiveRain takes a more content-focused approach to real estate investment, with specific sections of its site dedicated to blog articles, Q&As, and reviews of property-related products.

This focus has clearly influenced ActiveRain’s layout, which immediately serves up a selection of articles in a grid-like format at the top of the homepage. There’s also a “Popular Posts” bar to the right, which allows users – if they’re not looking for ActiveRain’s latest content – to browse the guides and blog posts with the most likes and comments.

4. Neighborhood Scout

Neighborhood Scout is a platform which provides investor-grade analytics – on a suburb-specific level – to help average joes with a passion for property think like the industry’s biggest players. Unsurprisingly, then, Neighborhood Scout’s website lets the data do the talking – using screenshots of its software to demonstrate the value it offers investors.

The website also showcases the platform’s tiered subscription fee in a transparent way, and showcases social proof in the form of testimonials and client logos. The real feather in the Neighborhood Scout website’s cap, though, is the search bar which dominates the top of the homepage. Here, the viewer can search – and scout – any address to view reports from that area, or simply select their property-buying criteria and “let Scout do the rest”.

5. Trulia

Trulia’s real estate investor website allows budding property magnates to find listings, scout suburbs, and read resident reviews to find the best possible place for their next purchase.

We particularly love the unique look and feel of Trulia’s homepage. With images of suburbs organized in a full- and half-column grid – with reviews of each suburb that pop up as the user hovers over them – the whole thing has an immersive, engaging feel.

Trulia’s website is also super easy to navigate and use. A search bar at the top of the homepage allows the prospective investor to search homes – whether currently on the market, or recently sold – by location. And its comparatively short home page (at least compared to the lengthy, robust ones of SparkRental and Deal Machine) means the user never gets too bogged down in information.

6. Zillow

Zillow is one of our top real estate investor website examples because it shows first-hand what slick, stripped-back web design can do for the experience of its users.

Featuring a bold, royal blue color palette, full-width images, large search bars, and chunky, clickable CTAs, everything about Zillow is a pleasure to look at and engage with. It’s not shy about using white space to help the content stand out, either!

7. REtipster

As we’ve seen with real estate investor websites such as ActiveRain and Trulia, the grid-like layout is popular – and for good reason. It enables the display of information in a way that doesn’t ever overwhelm the reader, while also separating out different concepts; making it easier for the reader to process and parse the content they’re seeing.

This is something REtipster does well from the off – listing the different ways it can help (land investing, property selling, deal finding, seller financing) in a clickable grid to direct the user exactly to where they need to be.

REtipster’s site also contains an extensive blog section, a huge collection of step-by-step videos, and several CTAs inviting the user to sign up to its mailing list.

8. BiggerPockets

One thing BiggerPockets – another leading real estate investor website in the US – does well is by putting itself in its users’ shoes. It has an excellent, seemingly innate understanding of property investors’ pain points and goals – as evidenced by a section of its homepage, which asks “where are you in your real estate investing journey?”

The site then lists out scenarios for real estate investors at different stages of their journey. Are they in step 1 – the “learning” phase? Or step 2, which is “action”? Talking about the investment journey in such user-centric terms enables BiggerPockets to resonate with its audience – to demonstrate that they understand their goals and needs, and that their platform will satisfy them.

9. FSBO.com

Don’t be fooled by the slightly “old school” real estate website design and layout of FSBO.com – a popular real estate investor website founded in 1997. Because, though its site looks as though it might not have changed a huge deal since that time, that can actually be a plus.

Why? Because sometimes, people tend to trust websites with a less polished – but still professional – look and feel. There’s a sense that the time and energy has gone into the services, rather than the website’s image, which many people (particularly those from older generations; i.e. the ones who’ll be investing in property) resonate with.

It’s a slightly offbeat recommendation here, sure – but if in doubt, take a leaf out of FSBO.com’s book, and get the basics right. The rest will follow!

10. Mashvisor

Mashvisor claims to be the world’s most trusted real estate platform, with over 50,000 satisfied clients. And, looking at its website, we’re not overly surprised. Because above all, the key to satisfied clients is good customer service – and this is something Mashvisor offers in spades.

Take its chatbot, for instance. Popping up as you scroll, it welcomes the reader with a wave emoji and a quick introduction, before allowing them to set up a call with a Product Specialist in a couple of clicks. Alternatively, the user can start up a conversation with a real-time support agent, or – if no one’s available – strike up a “conversation” with Mashvisor’s chatbot.

Needless to say, this form of conversational commerce is something all sites should be looking to do – and it’s an excellent way of providing the best online customer service possible.

11. HousingWire

Email marketing is a vital part of maintaining a real estate investor website. It’ll help you regularly, consistently engage with your audience, while remaining top of mind.

Email marketing is also something HousingWire does very well. (The property enthusiasts here at Website Builder Expert are already on its mailing list, and we love it). Better still, HousingWire is good at encouraging users on its website to sign up for its mailing list.

To do this, it uses a full-screen pop-up that appears, replete with CTA, in the middle of the users’ screen. Again, like auto-playing video, pop-ups are a strategy that should be used in moderation – but when they work, they work well, and can be an effective way to increase conversion rates.

So give a pop-up a try on your own site – but be sure to track its conversion rate ongoing so you know it’s having the desired effect.

Real Estate Investor Website Examples: Summary

Here, we’ve studied the 11 best real estate investor websites on the internet.

So what have we learnt?

  • That, between videos, pop-ups, and search functions, there are plenty of features you can use to make your real estate investor website sing.
  • That maintaining a sleek, simple website design language – whether you choose to keep it simple like FSBO.com, or riff off Trulia and REtipster’s grid-like layouts – is vital.
  • That the best online presences in this niche aren’t just building a website, but a community – so be sure to collect email addresses and engage with your audience on live chat to make them feel seen and appreciated.
  • That, if you’re struggling to design your site in the exact way you’d like to, website builders offer an abundance of real estate investor website templates to get you started.

That’s all from us. With these real estate investor websites for inspiration, you’re in safe hands (safe as houses, if we’re allowed a pun), so go get building your real estate website. And be sure to let us know how you get on in the comments section below!

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I’ve written for brands and businesses all over the world – empowering everyone from solopreneurs and micro-businesses to enterprises to some of the ecommerce industry’s best-known brands: including Yahoo!, Ecwid, and Entrepreneur. My commitment for the future is to empower my audience to make better, more effective decisions: whether that’s helping you pick the right platform to build your website with, the best hosting provider for your needs, or offering recommendations as to what – and how – to sell.

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