Microsoft’s User Behavior Analysis Software Clarity To Integrate With Wix

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a data collection page for website visitor behavior
Here at Website Builder Expert, I use Microsoft Clarity to track our visitors (you!) behavior.
  • Microsoft Clarity is a user behavior analysis tool that lets website owners see heatmaps and session recordings of real visitors on their site.
  • With this new integration, Wix users will be able to see this information directly in the builder, allowing for a clearer understanding of their visitor’s behavior.

Microsoft Clarity has announced it will provide an integration with website builder Wix, bringing its user behavior analysis tools directly to website owners. Through the new Microsoft Clarity extension, Wix users can see what their visitors are up to on their site.

Launched in 2022, Microsoft Clarity allows website owners to view and analyze how visitors interact with their site, thus enlightening them on potential navigation and design issues. Integrating with Wix reduces the amount of time needed to fix these errors, and leads to a more optimized site for the visitors too.

Microsoft Clarity works through recording sessions on your site, which can then be extrapolated into a number of data sets such as heatmaps showing where visitors’ cursors tend to congregate, or being able to detect rage clicking and excessive scrolling. It can also detect potential JavaScript errors, as well as when people have quickly gone back to a previous page.

The goal of Microsoft Clarity, and this new integration, is to help website owners create more optimized and user-friendly sites. User experience (or UX) design is a vitally important step when creating a website. 88% of online consumers report that they are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience.

According to the press release, Microsoft Clarity will allow Wix users to “make informed changes to your website based on actual user behavior, rather than guesswork” and result in “better engagement and higher conversion rates.”

Time will tell whether Microsoft Clarity becomes an essential part of the Wix toolkit, but for those who operate in lead generation, the partnership provides more “clarity” than ever on the inner workings of your visitors.

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headshot of Sam Jagger
Being a Writer for Website Builder Expert isn’t just typing words on a laptop. Each day, I’m finding new and innovative ways to help you get online in a mode you feel comfortable with. And it’s a task I do with enthusiasm and gusto. Not only do I have experience building with all the providers we talk about - creating websites such as this Strikingly demo - but we also have our wonderful, constantly updated research fielded by our researchers, so you can be reassured that what we say is an honest reflection of our professional opinions. I’ve written articles and featured guest posts for apps like UXPin on web design in the modern age, as well as answered over 100 user comments on the site and delved into the world of choosing a domain name and adding Bitcoin payments to your site in my own pitched articles. All of this is to say that when I want to get you online - I mean it! Outside the office, I have attended the eCommerce Expo and built up a ton of industry knowledge through talks, workshops, and guided learning sessions with noted experts. The internet is made for everyone, so come online and let us help you get there.

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