BigCommerce Launches Google Cloud AI-Powered Ecommerce Features

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A quote from CEO of BigCommerce, Brent.
  • BigCommerce offers AI text generation and personalized product recommendations for customers.
  • It will also offer users AI data analytics with the aim to help boost store performance.

What’s that? Is another ecommerce website builder jumping on the AI bandwagon? You’d be absolutely right – BigCommerce has launched some new AI tools. It will be launching a text generator that writes your website content for you. You’ll also be able to get personalized product recommendations to help customers find items tailored to their deepest desires. Then there’s BigCommerce’s AI data analytics, artificial intelligence’s answer to how do website visitors behave when on your website.

BigCommerce Leveraging Google Cloud’s Vertex AI

Google Cloud’s Vertex AI is an artificial intelligence tool that hosts all the Google Cloud tools along with the ability to create machine learning without being a tech genius. BigCommerce is leveraging this technology, reducing the need for human writers, since you’ll now be able to create content from just a few prompts! Be careful to check the facts and grammar though.

This will make it speedier to get your products onto the market, help with your SEO rankings, and potentially increase your conversion rates – while also saving on expenses to hire humans and the time training them too. 

The future may be a challenging time for homo sapiens in the creative spheres of website design and content creation, but these AI developments are great news for business owners and small businesses to cut operating costs!

Google Recommendations AI

BigCommerce will be installing recommendations AI that works by providing more relevant recommendations to customers. The idea is to engage with customers, along with re-engaging them, and it works for the whole buying process, from discovery all the way to purchase. This means you can have automatic emails sent to customers to recapture their focus on specific products in your store.

As the senior president of products at BigCommerce (Troy Cox) said,

“Creating AI-powered solutions with Google Cloud cements the significance of our collaborative partnership as we move to strengthen AI in the ecommerce industry together.”

This fascinating collaboration between Google, AI products, and BigCommerce (among other builders) will probably transform the way we think about ecommerce. Potentially requiring less workforce and producing and selling more. But only time will truly tell.

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I’m a writer at Website Builder Expert, having joined the team in March 2022. Before joining I had my own freelance content writing business and now I work to test builders and write the content you read here on the site – so you can create a website that best suits you and your needs. Over my first year here I’ve tested all the builders you’ll read about, shaped the weekly newsletter content, written social media content, and scripted YouTube videos. I’ve also created demo websites to help showcase the builder’s capabilities so you can pick the best option. I’ve also had the wonderful opportunity to pitch articles for the site like the Best Writer Websites and write guest posts for the likes of Digital Information World, using my degree expertise in Film to share tips on video optimization.

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