The 10 Best Yoga Website Examples

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Just as you’d greet anyone entering your studio with a warm, friendly, and respectful greeting, so too are first online impressions key to your yoga practice’s success.

That’s why it’s so important to get the tone, style, and design of your website just right. But, just like tree pose, it’s a balancing act. You need to make sure your site’s images, copy, and layout are all working together not only to set the right mood and showcase your studio’s services, but to also sell the ethos, people, and energy that powers your practice.

Whether you’re building your yoga website from scratch, or giving your studio’s existing online presence a spruce up, you don’t have to go it alone. Finding the right business website template can be daunting, so we’ve assembled our list of 10 of the top yoga websites on the web to provide you with some design inspiration.

Handily, we’ve also noted which website builder each of the upcoming examples was created with, so you can emulate your favourite sites with ease – and leave the twists, turns, and tricky stuff to the yoga mat!

1 Feel Good Yoga

Made with Squarespace

Squarespace is known for producing immersive design templates that prioritize white space, while minimizing the amount of visual clutter on a page. Unsurprisingly, this kind of modern, clear-eyed, ‘zen’ approach is well-suited to the needs of a yoga site – something Feel Good Yoga’s online presence attests to.

Based in Lausanne, Switzerland, Feel Good Yoga creates good vibes both on the mat and online. Built with Squarespace, Feel Good Yoga’s website harnesses the refreshing nature of crisp, symmetrical images, clean lines, and a simple palette. Crucially, Feel Good Yoga doesn’t clog up the page with unnecessary content, either; instead, it sticks only to what you need to learn about the company, and what you need to do to book a class.

With Feel Good Yoga’s Squarespace-powered template, you can:

  • Embed a YouTube video
  • Set up an ‘About Us’ page
  • Include a Google Maps widget with your studio’s location
  • Add links to your social media pages with clickable icons
  • Implement a booking schedule for people to arrange yoga classes with you
  • Integrate an email capture form into your site.

Like what you see? Explore Feel Good Yoga’s site for more, or take a look at other Squarespace templates.

2 Natural Living

Made with Wix

As a platform that quite literally does it all, it comes as no surprise that Wix offers several stunning yoga website templates to choose from. We’re particularly fond, however, of Kiwi yogi Noreen of Natural Living. She’s taken Wix’s visual framework and made it her own with a pleasant, uncomplicated website design that instantly settles the pulse.

Composed in a horizontal, visually-centric layout that lets its images do the talking, Natural Living’s asymmetric design doesn’t make it any less easy on the eye. You can’t see it in the above screenshot, either, but the waves in the full-width image above ripple on the live site, adding another calming layer of dynamism to an already impressive site.

Among the features one of Wix’s yoga website templates allows you to add to your studio’s online presence are:

  • Social icons for quick links to your social media pages
  • A booking calendar or schedule for real-time appointment organization
  • An ‘About Us’ page with a digital map of your company’s physical location
  • A contact form to automate customer enquiries

Feel like checking it out for yourself? Head to Natural Living’s site to do so.

3 Yoga in DeMun

Made with Weebly

Weebly is well-known for its outstanding free plan and excellent range of SEO integrations and support. But it’s also been keeping a secret – that it currently powers some of the best yoga websites on the web. Exhibit A? Missouri-based Yoga studio Yoga in DeMun.

Click through to Yoga in DeMun’s homepage, and you’re greeted immediately with a full-width image of Christy, the face of the brand. This instantly humanizes the studio, making you feel at ease while simultaneously pointing you to other key parts of the site: such as the store, ‘Contact Us’ page, and an area to book online courses.

Yoga in DeMun’s website also has a clean, simple contact form, plus a full width section for advertising events, such as the Diwali New Moon Meditation pictured in the gallery above.

Yoga websites built with Weebly contain a wide variety of features, including the ability to:

  • Add user reviews, quotes, and testimonials
  • Customize your site’s header and footer with links to your social media
  • Embed an email capture form to feed straight into your email inbox
  • Integrate your ecommerce store
  • Create and maintain a library of tutorial videos and interactive online courses

To grab more inspiration first-hand, head to Yoga in DeMun’s excellent website.

4 Dharma Yoga Wheel

Made with Weebly

Okay, so Dharma Yoga Wheel (DYW) isn’t a practice per se – nor is it a studio, like the rest of the examples here. The DYW is actually an innovative piece of kit designed to release and relieve muscular tension in the back, shoulders, abdomen, chest, and hip flexors. The DYW has a cool idea, and – thanks to Weebly, and some thoughtful design – a cool website, too.

Wisely, DYW’s website chooses to keep the focus on its product and central USP (unique selling point) – the wheel itself. Everything from the commanding top header image – which depicts the wheel in action, along with a cleverly-placed ‘Store’ button call to action – to the ‘Contact’ page has been designed to emphasize the product.

DYW also employs a scrollable image gallery to good effect, showing off the wheel’s capabilities in several triptychs of vivid color.

When you follow in DYW’s footsteps and create a yoga website with Weebly, you’ll be able to include:

  • High quality image galleries to display your product or service
  • Embed full width images and YouTube videos into your pages
  • Integrate an online store
  • Create a blog to post original content, regularly
  • Add information about your company’s history, team, and founders

Who said you couldn’t reinvent the wheel? To make a closer acquaintance with this excellent yoga website example, check out Dharma Yoga Wheel’s website.

5 Little Yogis

Made with Wix

As ”Hong Kong’s first and only yoga studio”, it’s fair to say the company has a knack for doing things a little differently. Unsurprisingly, that ethos of innovation also extends to the company’s website, which – though it’s built on Wix’s widely-used, all-round platform – certainly offers up plenty of unique flair.

One of the things that’s so refreshing about Little Yogis’ simple, to-the-point website is that it serves up everything you need on the homepage. In a matter of moments, you know exactly what Little Yogis does, what its mission is, who the teachers are, and how much it costs. All the phone, email, address, and opening hours info you need is available at a glance, and you can embed a straightforward contact form for customers to get in touch directly.

Should you choose to emulate Little Yogis and cultivate a similarly friendly, inviting web presence with Wix, you’ll be able to:

  • Post an online booking calendar to allow people to reserve class spots instantly
  • Collect the email addresses of potential customers for your mailing list
  • Showcase clickable studio snapshots in a fun honeycomb pattern
  • Embed your Instagram feed, and have it update in real time

Want to dive deeper? Go check out Little Yogis’ website yourself!


Made with Squarespace

Earning sixth spot on our list of the best yoga website examples is… LEVELSIX! Established in 2017 by four friends in the South London borough of Peckham, this young company of yogis is making a name providing classes, retreats, events, and workshops – not to mention a safe space to go and chill. LEVELSIX’s space on the internet serves a similar purpose – and, thanks to a Squarespace design template, it’s as easy on the eye as it is on the soul…

In contrast to some of the more muted color palettes of the other yoga website examples on this list, LEVELSIX trades up to a more vivid scale of hues and contrast. The company puts the engrossing narrative of its backtory front and center, while a large class booking calendar ensures that the focus never strays too far from the yoga itself.

Just some of the design functionalities you can take advantage of with a Squarespace yoga site are:

  • A sticky sidebar menu and dynamic image blocks
  • A dedicated page for your studio’s terms and conditions
  • A lively ‘About Us’ page to tell your practice’s story
  • A clickable image gallery grid to introduce the world to your yoga teachers

Check out LEVELSIX’s online presence to get hooked.

7 Lila Lolling

Made with Wix

Introducing her practice as “ancient yoga for modern times”, and a mode of “personal and planetary transformation”, New York-based yogi Lila Lolling’s website immediately establishes the instructor’s unique brand and selling point.

Using Wix’s litany of design tools and functionalities, Lila has created a simple – yet highly effective – website. With a pleasant pink pastel palette and a smooth, scrolling user experience, Lila has created a site that does everything: from advertising her latest book and upcoming immersive self-care retreats, to explaining her personal brand and beliefs.

Just a handful of the things you can achieve when – like Lila Lolling – you use Wix to build your website are:

  • Customize your website’s footer, and apply a sticky header or sidebar
  • Embed an email capture or simple contact form
  • Add a blog to talk all things yoga and fitness
  • Add an online booking calendar
  • Create a bustling ‘About Us’ page that shows off your company’s history, as well as your personal and professional credentials

Head to Lila Lolling to find out more, or – if that note about blogging has caught your eye – explore our guide to how to start a fitness blog in 2021.

8 Karma Yoga San Francisco

Made with Squarespace

Based in sunny San Fran, Karma Yoga offers a range of mindfulness services, including yoga classes, training, and retreats. Another company to have used Squarespace’s phenomenal design templates to reflect the balance and tranquility of its yoga practice, Karma Yoga’s site is a joy to behold.

Multi-layered, ‘floating’ design blocks – ideal for CTAs, quotes, visions, missions, and special deals – give Karma Yoga’s homepage a dynamic, three-dimensional feel. What’s more, the site’s dedicated ‘Teachers’ section allows you to get acquainted with the practice’s instructors, while channeling a modern, monochromatic feel.

Lastly, Karma’s Instagram feed – embedded near the footer in an interactive ‘carousel’ function – proves that, like its name, what goes around really does come back around.

To get your little dose of karmic inspiration, head to Karma Yoga San Francisco’s website.

9 Arden Yoga and Wellness

Made with GoDaddy

GoDaddy is known for its user-friendly, design-assisted format, as well as the super simple layout of its templates. We know it – and apparently Murfreesboro, Tennessee-based Yoga studio Arden Yoga and Welllness knows it, too.

Built with a consistent, calming (and consistently calming!) color palette, Arden Yoga and Wellness will have you relaxed and ready for your class well before you reach the studio.

Large transparent buttons invite you to ‘Click Here For On Demand Yoga’, while a dedicated ‘About Us’ section allows you to showcase the you behind the yoga.

Powered by GoDaddy, Arden Yoga and Wellness’s site will serve as great inspo for anyone looking to:

  • Add a contact form to turn your site’s visitors into clients
  • Showcase reviews from satisfied current and former customers
  • Collect email addresses for your newsletter
  • Clearly list your studio’s policies
  • Offer your site’s users a series of FAQs

To check out the beautiful site founder Kira (and GoDaddy) has built, head to Arden Yoga and Wellness’s website.

10 ONE Yoga

Made with Squarespace

Last but not least is spick and span Vienna studio ONE Yoga. Created with Squarespace, the practice’s pristine white walls and sparklingly clean parquet floor closely mirror its immaculate website – so let’s take a look!

By incorporating images of people alongside its modern, vibey studio, ONE Yoga manages to show off its stylish location, whilst never losing sight of what makes yoga great – the people doing it!

With the help of Squarespace and some ideas from ONE Yoga, you can implement several of these fine features into your own yoga website, such as:

  • A large, intuitive contact form
  • A Google Maps widget to convey your studio’s site
  • An email capture tool
  • An online booking calendar

For just one example of a great yoga website, head to ONE Yoga to explore.

Best Yoga Website Examples: Conclusion

All too often, websites these days rely on loud colors, aggressive branding, and in-your-face designs to compete for a limited pool of customer attention. But just as inner peace is so often found in the silent, simple places we go to during a yoga session, so too can the most straightforward websites give us the most satisfaction.

That’s why the largely stripped-back, understated nature of the top 10 yoga websites we’ve discussed above represent such a breath of fresh air. With tactful palettes, relaxing animations, and slick UX, the best yoga websites are always the ones that mirror the sense of oneness and wholeness that a good yoga class gives us.

Through that lens, it doesn’t matter if you use Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Weebly, Shopify, BigCommerce, or Square Online. Keep your website personal, authentic, and – most importantly – simple, and it’ll turn out just fine.

Now – downward dog, anyone?

Further Information

  • Interview with Bayu – an interview with a wellness, yoga, and life coach who built his website with Shopify.
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